Becoming a Sadducee Will Make You Sad, You See
Luke, 20:41 - 21:4
Rev. Snearly
Recent Sermons

The Kingdom of God is Near
Luke, 21:25 - 22:6
Rev. Hill

Dinner with a Perfect Savior
Luke, 22:24 - 38
Rev. Snearly

Alone in the Garden
Luke, 22:47 - 65
Rev. Snearly

Sour Power
Luke, 23:8 - 25
Rev. Snearly

All is Not Well in Wine Country
Luke, 20:1 - 26
Rev. Snearly

All is Not Well in Wine Country, Part 2
Luke, 20:9 - 19
Rev. Snearly
Past Worship Services
The full library of past services is available, please visit our YouTube page to watch.
We are committed to one another. The Christian life is one lived together in relationships of mutual love, encouragement, support and enjoyment. Thus, we are intentional in creating structures in which relationships can be fostered and space in which they can flourish.
Christ provides the model for how we are to engage one another both within and outside our Grace community. This means we pursue, identify with and encourage the flourishing of one another through sacrificial love. In a word, we care. Sometimes a need for care becomes acute, and if that is true for you, please know we'd love to help in the following ways.
The leaders of Grace Marin are available for counseling and prayer. The pastors are also available to talk about matters of life and faith and about ways you can connect to the life of the congregation. Contact Us if you would like to set up an appointment.
From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in challenging or difficult situations, whether spiritually, physically, emotionally or otherwise. The women and men of our mercy team are committed to walking with you, praying with you, and working to bring the resources of the church to bear for you. If you need help, please email Matt.
Grace Marin offers a resource for online Christian counseling that is convenient, confidential, affordable, and effective through our partnership with Global Counseling Network. Former Pastor, Rod Miles, interviewed Global Counseling Network's President, Ken McDonald. You can click here to hear their conversation about this partnership.
Members and Regular Attenders of Grace Marin will receive assistance paying for seven sessions with Global Counseling Network. If you would like more information please contact us for an overview and the details including a form to request counseling.
Grace Cares is a confidential helping ministry in which trained lay members of Grace Marin walk alongside others in our community going through a challenging season of life. Grace Cares ministers listen, pray, and encourage. If you would like to determine whether a Grace Cares minister might be beneficial for you, please contact us.
The Meals Ministry provides comfort and care to families and individuals experiencing a season of need by providing regular meals for a set period of time. If you have an upcoming surgery, are expecting the birth of a child, or are experiencing an unforeseen event in which you find yourself in need of meal support, please contact us.
Study Resources
The scripture readings below are part of a two-year cycle that will take you through the Old Testament once, the New Testament twice, and the Psalms frequently. The readings can also be found at The prayer can be found at The Daily Office.
A Bible reading plan you may find helpful is sponsored by "The Bible Project". Their specialty is short-form, fully animated Bible videos and other resources that make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. The Reading Plan takes you through the entire bible in one year. If you’d like to take full advantage of the videos and an app that makes it super easy to follow, download the YouVersion Bible app and choose The Bible Project Reading Plan. That app will deliver the videos and scriptures directly to your mobile phone each day.
understanding Worship
- God SUMMONS us as his people
- God RENEWS & SANCTIFIES us to himself
- God SPEAKS to us in his word
- God STRENGTHENS us at his table
- God SENDS us into the world
God RENEWS & SANCTIFIES us to himself. Throughout Scripture, when people find themselves in God's presence, they sense how far short they fall and become aware of their own shame and brokenness. In the same way, through the Prayer of Confession, we acknowledge our sin, both as a community and also silently as individuals for ourselves and for the world. After our confession, through the Assurance of Pardon, we are reminded that God is always ready, by his mercy and grace, to forgive us. Next, we seek God’s provision in a Prayer of the People and, using the Lord’s Prayer, we offer ourselves in service to his kingdom both now and forever. Then, renewed in our identity, we welcome one another and share the peace of Christ.
God SPEAKS to us in his word, addressing us as his forgiven people. In the public reading of Scripture and its exposition in the Sermon, God shares the story of his saving mission in Jesus, encouraging us to join in that mission and orienting us again to his priorities. With Christians through the centuries, we respond aloud in thanks and praise to God after his word is read to us. Instructed by his word, we offer ourselves to God’s service through our Offering. In the Confession of Faith, we confess his story to be our own story in the creed, which is simply a summary of faith from the early church.
God STRENGTHENS us at his table. As Communion begins, we lift our hearts to God and give him thanks in the Prayer of Thanksgiving, or Eucharistic Prayer. In the Words of Institution, we affirm that through this meal Jesus gave us, we remember his death and proclaim his new life as the centerpiece of God’s mission. God invites us to his table to feed us with his own life and to strengthen us before sending us out. In communion, he unites us together in Jesus Christ as his reconciled and reconciling people. We respond by receiving the Lord’s Supper, sharing together in the bread and wine, as a communion in the body and blood of Christ given for our salvation.
God SENDS us into the world. At the close of worship, God sends us out to carry forward the gospel story. In our worship, we have responded to God’s call, heard his word, offered ourselves to his service, and received strength at his table. God weaves us together as a new people, oriented to his mission. We recognize and celebrate this in a sending prayer and song. God then grants us his assurance and blessing in the Benediction, based upon scripture and given in his Triune name. Finally, in the dismissal, we respond in thanks and go out in love and peace to serve him in the world, remembering who we are and to whom we belong.