Community Groups

Grace Students ministry
The Student Ministry of Grace Church of Marin exists to partner with parents in equipping middle and high school students to love and follow Jesus in young adulthood and beyond.
Our middle school students typically gather for Sunday school the first and third week of every month during the sermon time. Middle school students begin the morning in the worship service and are dismissed midway through the service to go to Sunday school with their teachers. We also host other fun events and opportunities for students throughout the year, and students are always encouraged to invite their friends to anything we do!
High school students are invited to gather for Dinner and Discussion two Sundays each month to discuss real and thought-provoking questions about Christianity. We also host other fun events and opportunities for students throughout the year, and students are always encouraged to invite their friends to anything we do!
GATHER students of Marin to taste and see that Jesus is good.
In a world where none of us have it all together, we want to invite students into grace - undeserved favor from an unobligated giver. We create a space where students can be known, ask hard questions, and encounter the love of Christ in his Word.
GROW students as they learn to enjoy Jesus.
In a culture that is searching for the good life, we want to teach students that the good life is found in union with Christ. We facilitate relational discipleship in the church so that students can learn to follow Jesus their whole life long.
Equip students to GO, sharing the love of Jesus with their world.
In a life reconciled by Christ, we want students to remember who they are and to whom they belong. We challenge them to bear the family resemblance as God’s adopted children and live for the mission of Christ.
Contact Jeremiah with questions or to get involved!